identify the value of x that makes each pair of the ratios equivalent 6 to 8 and 18 to x


note: ms.sue if ur going to give me links plz don't reply to this question (i mean no disrespect)

If one term of a proportion is not known, cross multiplication can be used to find the value of that term.

x 3
-- = --
70 10

x * 10 = 70 * 3

10x = 210

10x 210
--- = ---
10 10

x = 21

This is from aaamath

Which of the following are equivalent to 25%

To determine the value of x that makes the ratios 6 to 8 and 18 to x equivalent, we need to set up a proportion.

The proportion can be written as:

6/8 = 18/x

To solve for x, we can use cross-multiplication:

6 * x = 8 * 18

Simplifying further:

6x = 144

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to isolate x:

x = 144 / 6

Simplifying the division:

x = 24

Hence, the value of x that makes the ratios 6 to 8 and 18 to x equivalent is 24.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: 24.