one advantage humans had cover animals they hunted was that humans

)were bigger
)had weapons****
)were stronger
)were faster

am i right

I do believe you are right!


Yes, you are correct! One advantage humans had over animals they hunted was that humans had weapons. Weapons gave humans the ability to defend themselves and increase their hunting efficiency. In order to confirm your answer, you can consider the following points:

1. Size: Humans being bigger than the animals they hunted might have offered some advantages, but it alone does not guarantee success in hunting. Many animals, such as elephants or rhinos, are bigger than humans but can still be dangerous.

2. Strength: Although strength can be advantageous in some cases, many animals, like lions or bears, are physically stronger than humans. Therefore, strength alone does not give humans a significant advantage.

3. Faster: Humans are generally slower than many animals, like cheetahs or antelopes, which are known for their incredible speed. Being faster would not necessarily give humans an advantage in hunting.

4. Weapons: Humans' ability to make and use weapons is indeed a significant advantage. The development of tools and weapons, such as spears, bows and arrows, or traps, helped humans overcome their physical limitations and hunt more effectively.

By considering these points, it becomes clear that out of the options provided, having weapons is the most relevant advantage that humans had over animals they hunted.