How many 6-letter words can be made from the letters WASTEFUL if repetition of letters is allowed?

Well, you have 8 letters to pick from and you can repeat your choices, so

= 8^6
= 262144

Well, let's see. We have the word WASTEFUL, which has 8 letters. Since repetition of letters is allowed, we can choose any of the 8 letters for each of the 6 positions in the word. Therefore, the number of 6-letter words that can be made is 8 raised to the power of 6, which is 262,144. That's a lot of words! With that many possibilities, you could probably come up with some really creative and unique combinations, like "FLUTEW" or "SWEATL." Just remember, it's all about having fun and letting your imagination run WILD with words!

To find out how many 6-letter words can be made from the letters WASTEFUL with repetition allowed, we can use the concept of permutations with repetition.

Permutations with repetition is used when we have a set of objects and want to arrange them in a certain order, allowing for repetition of the objects. In this case, our set of objects is the letters in the word WASTEFUL.

WASTEFUL consists of 7 distinct letters: W, A, S, T, E, F, and U. Since repetition is allowed, we can choose any of these 7 letters for each position of the 6-letter word.

To calculate the total number of possibilities, we can raise 7 to the power of 6 (because we have 6 positions for the letters).

Mathematically, it can be written as:
7^6 = 117,649

Therefore, there are 117,649 different 6-letter words that can be made from the letters WASTEFUL when repetition is allowed.


How many 6-letter words can be made from the letters WASTEFUL if repetition of letters is not allowed?