Write a flow chart for finding the salaries of 15 workers for a month if thier daily wages are rs. 35. Assume that the month has 30 days

Sure! Here's a flowchart to find the salaries of 15 workers for a month, given that their daily wages are Rs. 35 and the month has 30 days.

1. Start
2. Set the variable "wage" to 35 (this represents the daily wage)
3. Set the variable "days" to 30 (this represents the number of days in the month)
4. Set the variable "workers" to 15 (this represents the number of workers)
5. Initialize the variable "total_salary" as 0 (this will store the total salary for all workers)

6. For each worker (loop from 1 to 15):
7. Set the variable "salary" as the product of "wage" and "days" (this calculates the salary for each worker)
8. Add the value of "salary" to "total_salary" (this keeps track of the total salary for all workers)
9. Move to the next worker

10. Display the value of "total_salary" (this shows the total salary for all workers for the month)
11. End

Note: In the above flowchart, the variables "wage", "days", "workers", and "total_salary" are used to represent the values required in the problem. By updating these variables, you can modify the flowchart to calculate salaries based on different conditions.