I'm so confused on how to solve this problem~

I'm supposed to solve for x and all of the variables are positive -_-
I'm lost


just follow the order of operations

a - bx - bc = d
keep the term containing x, move everybody else to the other side
- bx = d - a + bc
divide each term by -b
x = -d/b + a/b - c
x = (d-a+bc)/-b
x = (a - d - bc)/b

the fact that all variables are positive is of no concern, other than b cannot be zero

I'm still confused though~

so x= (d-a+bc)/-b?
and those 3 answers given are the final things you can do?

I also have to solve for x~

again, all variables represent positive #s

follow the same steps as before

first expand
abx - ac = d - x - e
get all the x terms to one side, everybody else to the other side
abx + x = d + ac - e
divide everybody by ab, that would leave the x all alone
x = (d+ac-e)/(ab)

all done

ok thank you I think I understand now

No worries! I'll help you step by step to solve the equation a - b(x + c) = d and find the value of x.

To begin, let's simplify the equation by distributing the negative sign to the terms inside the parentheses:

a - b(x + c) = d
a - bx - bc = d

Now, let's isolate the term containing x by moving the constants to the other side of the equation:

a - bx - bc + bc = d + bc
a - bx = d + bc

To isolate x, we'll divide both sides of the equation by -b:

(a - bx) / -b = (d + bc) / -b

Remember that when dividing or multiplying both sides of an equation by a negative number, the inequality sign flips:

(a - bx) / (-b) = (d + bc) / (-b)

Simplifying further, we have:

(a / -b) - (bx / -b) = (d / -b) - (bc / -b)

Now, let's simplify each term:

-a/b + x = -d/b - c

Finally, to solve for x, subtract -a/b from both sides of the equation:

x = -d/b - c + a/b

And there you have it! The solution for x is:

x = (-d/b) - c + (a/b)