1. Where is 4.89 on the number line

Between 1 and 2
Between 2 and 3
Between 3 and 4
Between 4 and 5 <---

2. 7.07 __ 8.83

a. < <---
b. >
c. =
d >=

3. Where is 8.366 on the number line?

Between 6 and 7
Between 7 and 8
Between 8 and 9 <---
Between 8 and 10

4. List from Least to Greatest

5/8 = 6.25
3/4= 7.5
7/9= 0.77

5/8, 3/4, 7/9 <---
3/4, 5/8, 7/9
5/8, 7/9, 3/4
7/9, 3/4, 5/8

6. Order the set of rational numbers from least to greatest.
1.2, 9, -4, -0.5, -4.3

A. {-4, -4.3, -1/2, 1.2, 9}
B. {-4.3, -4, -12, 1.2, 9}
C. {9, 1.2, -1/2, -4, -4.3} <---
D. {1.2, -4.3, -4, -1/2, 9} or <----

Unsure about number 6.

4. Your answer is right, but your decimals are not. 5/8 = 0.625

6 is wrong.

The others are right.

6. B. {-4.3, -4, -12, 1.2, 9}

-4.3 is smaller than -4.?

Now you are right.

To find the answer to question 1, we can use the number line to help us. Start by locating the numbers 1 and 5 on the number line. Then, find the number that lies between these two markers. In this case, 4.89 is located between 4 and 5 on the number line, so the answer is "Between 4 and 5."

For question 2, we need to compare the numbers 7.07 and 8.83. The symbol "<" represents "less than," so if 7.07 is less than 8.83, the correct answer would be "<." However, since 7.07 is not less than 8.83, the correct answer is "b. >" which represents "greater than."

To answer question 3, we can follow a similar process as question 1. Locate the numbers 8 and 9 on the number line and find the number that falls between them. Since 8.366 is larger than 8 but smaller than 9, the answer is "Between 8 and 9."

For question 4, we need to compare the decimal equivalents of three fractions: 5/8, 3/4, and 7/9. By converting the fractions to decimals, we get:

5/8 = 0.625
3/4 = 0.75
7/9 ≈ 0.7778

So, the correct answer is "5/8, 3/4, 7/9" because they are listed from least to greatest based on their decimal values.

Finally, for question 6, we need to order the set of rational numbers from least to greatest. The given numbers are: 1.2, 9, -4, -0.5, -4.3.

From least to greatest, the correct answer is "C. {9, 1.2, -1/2, -4, -4.3}" as it arranges the numbers in ascending order.