Cerulean City is 20 miles from home. We have gone 15 miles.

What fraction of the distance have we gone?

We have gone ? of the distance.

(My thinking: I'm not sure, but I have a thought that you are supposed to divide 20 divided by 5.)

Why divide by 5?

To find the fraction of the distance you have gone, you need to divide the distance you have traveled by the total distance between your home and Cerulean City.

In this case, you have traveled 15 miles out of a total distance of 20 miles. To find the fraction, simply divide 15 by 20:

15 ÷ 20 = 0.75

As a decimal, the fraction is 0.75. To convert this to a fraction, remember that the decimal 0.75 is equal to 75/100. Simplifying the fraction gives:

75/100 = 3/4

So, the fraction of the distance you have gone is 3/4.