Multiple Choice:

1.) What document signed in 1689, later inspired the creation of the American Bill of Rights?

a.) the Magna Carta
b.) the English Bill of Rights
c.) the Pennsylvania Constitution
d.) the Navigation Acts.

2.) How did England view its North American Colonies?

a.) as an economic drain
b.) as a land of savages
c.) as an economic resource
d.) as a place to put criminals

3.) Who exemplified the enlightenment

a.) George Whitefield
b.) George Washington
c.) Jonathan Edwards
d.) Benjamin Franklin

4.) Who were the only people who could vote in the colonies? (1600-1700s in the middle colonies)

a.) indentured servants
b.) landless white men
c.) white female property owners
d.) white male proper owners

5.) How did colonists feel about the Navigation Acts?

a.) Colonists resented the Navigation Acts because the acts limited their trade with nations other than England.

b.) Colonists generally liked the Navigation Acts, because the acts gave them greater access to goods from foreign countries.

c.) Southern colonists tended to dislike the Navigation Acts because they privileged goods from northern colonies.

d.) Colonists supported the Navigation Acts because their elected representatives had passed them.

My answers:
1.) b
2.) c
3.) d
4.) d
5.) a

I agree with all of your answers. :-)

@Ms. Sue thanks :)

You're welcome, Abz.

all are right i got 100%

It looks like you have answered the multiple-choice questions. Let's go through each question to see if your answers are correct and explain how to arrive at the correct answer:

1.) What document signed in 1689, later inspired the creation of the American Bill of Rights?
Correct Answer: b) the English Bill of Rights

The English Bill of Rights, signed in 1689, heavily influenced the creation of the American Bill of Rights, which was added to the United States Constitution in 1791. This document established important principles and protections of individual rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to a fair trial.

2.) How did England view its North American Colonies?
Correct Answer: c) as an economic resource

England saw its North American colonies primarily as an economic resource. The colonies provided England with valuable raw materials, such as tobacco, timber, and fur, that were in high demand in Europe. England exploited these resources to increase its wealth and power.

3.) Who exemplified the Enlightenment?
Correct Answer: d) Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a prominent figure during the Enlightenment period. He was a polymath and made significant contributions in several areas, including science, politics, and literature. His experiments with electricity, along with his philosophical writings and political activism, reflect the ideals of the Enlightenment.

4.) Who were the only people who could vote in the colonies? (1600-1700s in the middle colonies)
Correct Answer: d) white male property owners

During the 1600s and 1700s in the middle colonies, the only people who had the right to vote were white male property owners. This restricted voting privilege excluded a significant portion of the colonial population, including women, indentured servants, and landless white men.

5.) How did colonists feel about the Navigation Acts?
Correct Answer: a) Colonists resented the Navigation Acts because the acts limited their trade with nations other than England.

Colonists resented the Navigation Acts because these acts were passed by the British government to regulate colonial trade and restrict it to only occur with England and its territories. The acts limited the ability of colonists to freely trade with nations other than England, significantly impacting their economic opportunities and prosperity.

Overall, your answers are correct. Well done!