Jenna says that no row or column contains products with only odd numbers. Do you agree? Explain.


an even multiple of any integer is always even

No because every odd number is in a colum

it depends

To determine whether Jenna's statement is true or not, we need to analyze it and see if we can find any counterexamples.

Jenna claims that no row or column contains products with only odd numbers. This means that for every row and every column in a given arrangement of numbers, there will always be at least one even number present.

To verify this claim, we can evaluate the rows and columns individually and check if there are any products that consist solely of odd numbers. If we find even a single row or column that violates Jenna's claim, then her statement would be false.

Here's how we can go about examining the rows and columns:
1. Identify each row and column in the arrangement of numbers.
2. Calculate the product of the numbers in each row and check if it only contains odd numbers. If we find a row with an odd-only product, Jenna's claim would be false.
3. Similarly, calculate the product of the numbers in each column and check for odd-only products. If we find a column with an odd-only product, Jenna's claim would be false.

By carefully following these steps, we can determine if Jenna's assertion holds true by analyzing each row and column individually. If we find any counterexamples where a row or column contains only odd products, then we can conclude that Jenna's claim is not correct.