Arrange the following oxides in order of increasing acidity: As2O5, P2O5, SnO2, N2O5, BaO, and SeO3. (Use the appropriate <, =, or > symbol to separate substances in the list.)

I got BaO<SnO_2<As_2O_5<P_2O_5<N_2O_5<SeO_3 but its wrong

To arrange the given oxides in order of increasing acidity, we need to consider their acid-base properties. Acidity increases from left to right across a period and from bottom to top in a group on the periodic table.

Let's go through the given oxides one by one and compare their acidity:

BaO: Barium oxide is a basic oxide. It reacts with water to form a strong base (barium hydroxide). It is the least acidic oxide in the list.

SnO2: Tin dioxide is amphoteric, meaning it can act as both an acid and a base to some extent. However, it is less acidic than the following oxides in the list.

As2O5: Arsenic pentoxide is an acidic oxide. It reacts with water to form arsenic acid. It is more acidic than the previous oxides mentioned.

P2O5: Phosphorus pentoxide is also an acidic oxide. It reacts with water to form phosphoric acid. It is slightly more acidic than As2O5.

N2O5: Nitrogen pentoxide is a highly acidic oxide. It reacts with water to form nitric acid. It is more acidic than the previous oxides mentioned.

SeO3: Selenium trioxide is the most acidic oxide in the list. It reacts with water to form selenous acid.

Therefore, the correct order of increasing acidity for the given oxides is:
BaO < SnO2 < As2O5 < P2O5 < N2O5 < SeO3