Explain how you know if a number can be divided by 10 evenly

If the number ends in 0, it can be divided evenly by 10.

Try it out!

To determine if a number can be divided by 10 evenly, you need to check if the number ends in a zero. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Obtain the number you want to check if it can be divided evenly by 10.

Step 2: Look at the last digit of the number. If the last digit is zero, then the number can be divided evenly by 10. For example, the number 30 ends in zero, so it can be divided evenly by 10.

Step 3: If the last digit is not zero, then the number cannot be divided evenly by 10. For instance, the number 37 does not end in zero, so it cannot be divided evenly by 10.

By following these steps, you can easily determine if a number can be divided by 10 evenly based on the value of its last digit.