Mr. Thomas travel 20miles each week to and from work. If he works 5 days a week, how many miles does Mr. Thomas travel each day to go to work?

Does this mean 20miles total for the week or that it should be 40miles total(20 miles to + 20 miles from)?

20miles/5days = 4 miles/day or 40miles/5days = 8 miles/day?

He travels 20 miles total each week to and from work.

4 miles a day is correct.


You're welcome.

To find out how many miles Mr. Thomas travels each day to go to work, we'll first need to determine whether the 20 miles mentioned in the question is the total for the week or the distance for one round trip.

If the 20 miles mentioned represents the total distance for the week, then Mr. Thomas would travel 20 miles divided by 5 days, giving us 4 miles per day. In this case, it means that Mr. Thomas travels 4 miles each day to go to work.

However, if the 20 miles refers to the distance for one round trip (20 miles to work and 20 miles back), then the total distance for the week would be 40 miles. Dividing 40 miles by 5 days, we get 8 miles per day. In this scenario, Mr. Thomas would be traveling 8 miles each day to go to work.

So, depending on whether the 20 miles mentioned is for the total week or for one round trip, Mr. Thomas could be traveling either 4 miles per day or 8 miles per day to go to work.