1. Which of the following satements would describe the significance of the battle of kettle creek?

A.weapons and horses were taken from the British.

B. the back country of georgia remained under patriot control

C.the morale of the georgia milita was lifted by this victory.

D.all of the above***

3. Which country tried to help the Patriots recapture Savannah?

A. Spain
B. England
C. Canada
D. France***

4. Which of the following would describe a reason the British government planned to take the South in the Revolutionary War?

A. The British people were tired of the war's expenses.

B. They believed the Indians would join forces with them against the Patriots.

C. They believed that there were still many Loyalists in the South.

D. All of the above***

Killjoy is not right :(

The correct answers are




1. C

2. B
3. D
4. A

Kill Joy is wrong the answers are

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A

1. C - The morale of the Georgia militia was lifted by this victory.

2. B - Elijah Clarke
3. D - France
4. A - Cornwallis's surrender in 1781

Hope I helped! I got a 100 because of the lovely folks on here, thanks to the people who were correct! :) Good luck to the people who are taking social studies for 8th grade, the portfolios were tough for me. I'm all caught up now! ❤️


tardis is right 100% i promise you need to pick his answers

1- The morale of the Georgia militia was lifted by this victory

2- Elijah Clarke
3- France
4- Cornwallis's surrender in 1781



tardis is right!!!

please help me with lesson 24 formative Writing Unit Test language arts i need help really badly i study and studyed but i need help whatz the answers' please