What present-tense form of the verb ensenar (~ mark on second n) would you use to speak about yourself?

a. ensena (~ mark on second n)
b. ensenas (~ mark on second n)
c. enseno (~ mark on second n)
d. ensenamos (~ mark on second n)

c, c, enseño, señor.

tilde =n and alt, followed by typing the n in.

C enseno

Well, if I were to talk about myself teaching, I would say "c. enseno" because enseno is the present-tense form of the verb ensenar when referring to oneself. Just remember to put a little squiggly mark on the second "n"! Why? Because grammar loves adding squiggly marks, as if words weren't fancy enough already!

To determine the correct present-tense form of the verb "ensenar" to speak about yourself, we need to know the subject pronoun that corresponds to "yourself."

In this case, the subject pronoun corresponding to "yourself" is "yo" (which means "I" in Spanish).

Now let's look at the options given:

a. ensena - This form corresponds to the third-person singular pronoun "él" or "ella" (he/she). It is not the correct form for speaking about yourself.

b. ensenas - This form corresponds to the second-person singular pronoun "tú" (you) when used as the subject. It is also not the correct form for speaking about yourself.

c. enseno - This form corresponds to the first-person singular pronoun "yo" (I). It is the correct form for speaking about yourself.

d. ensenamos - This form corresponds to the first-person plural pronoun "nosotros/nosotras" (we). It is not the correct form for speaking about yourself.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. enseno.