how does a stars life begin?

A star begins its life as a cloud of dust and gas (mainly hydrogen) known as a nebula. A protostar is formed when gravity causes the dust and gas of a nebula to clump together in a process called accretion. ... If a critical temperature in the core of a protostar is reached, then nuclear fusion begins and a star is born.

thank you :)

thank u

A star's life begins with the formation of a star-forming region, where interstellar gas and dust come together under the force of gravity. Here's an explanation of how this happens:

1. Nebula Formation: Nebulas are enormous clouds of gas and dust scattered throughout galaxies. These nebulae contain the building blocks required for star formation.

2. Gravitational Collapse: Due to various factors such as turbulence, shockwaves, or the influence of nearby supernovae, a small region within the nebula becomes denser. This denser region is often called a molecular cloud or dark cloud.

3. Cloud Fragmentation: Inside the molecular cloud, the gas and dust continue to collapse under their mutual gravitational attraction. The cloud fragments into smaller clumps known as protostellar cores.

4. Protostar Formation: Within these protostellar cores, the gas and dust continue to condense, causing the core's temperature and density to rise. Eventually, at the core's center, a protostar begins to form.

5. Nuclear Fusion Ignition: As the protostar's core continues to contract due to gravity, it reaches a critical temperature and density. At this point, nuclear fusion reactions ignite, primarily converting hydrogen into helium. This marks the birth of a true star.

It's important to note that the specific details of star formation can vary depending on factors such as the mass of the star and the properties of the surrounding molecular cloud. Nevertheless, the general process described here applies to most stars.

You're welcome.

A star begins its life as a cloud of dust and gas (mainly hydrogen) known as a nebula. A protostar is formed when gravity causes the dust and gas of a nebula to clump together in a process called accretion.

thanks " :) *_* " and "sparkleprincess"

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