Derive a general equation for the time of flight of the banana en route to the monkey in terms of only the velocity, distance, and height

hint: if you are doing everything right, there should be a lot of cancellations resulting in a relatively simple solution
Okay, this is confusing to me. I have looked at projectile equations for time, range, and velocity. However, this question is asking for one equation like T= V, D, H? I am not even sure if this is possible. The graph it gave me contained no numbers just labeled height, velocity, and distance leading me to believe that it wants me to come up with an equation for time that if given velocity, distance, and height you can plug it into that one equation and come up with time. How the heck do I combine 3 separate equations into one? Am I approaching this wrong?
F.W.I. The banana is not present on the graph

If the initial velocity V has components Vi

and u
then d = u t or t = d/u
at time t the banana must be at height h
h = Vi t - 4.8 t^2
h = Vi d/u - 4.9 d^2/u^2

To derive a general equation for the time of flight of the banana, we can start by considering the motion of the banana as a projectile. In projectile motion, we can break down the motion into horizontal and vertical components.

Let's consider the vertical component first. We know that the banana will follow a parabolic trajectory under the influence of gravity. The equation for the vertical displacement of the banana as a function of time can be given by:

h = h0 + (v0 * sinθ) * t - (1/2) * g * t^2

h is the vertical displacement (height) of the banana at time t
h0 is the initial vertical displacement or height from which the banana is launched
v0 is the initial velocity of the banana
θ is the launch angle
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

Next, let's consider the horizontal component. In projectile motion, there is no horizontal acceleration. So the horizontal displacement (distance) of the banana can be given by:

d = (v0 * cosθ) * t

Now, if we want to find the time of flight (T), we need to determine when the banana hits the ground, which means its vertical displacement (h) will be zero. So we can set the vertical displacement equation equal to zero:

0 = h0 + (v0 * sinθ) * t - (1/2) * g * t^2

Simplifying the equation, we get:

(h0 + (v0 * sinθ) * t) - (1/2) * g * t^2 = 0

Multiplying through by 2, we get:

2 * h0 + 2 * (v0 * sinθ) * t - g * t^2 = 0

Rearranging the terms:

g * t^2 - 2 * (v0 * sinθ) * t - 2 * h0 = 0

Now, using the quadratic formula:

t = [-(2 * (v0 * sinθ)) ± sqrt((2 * (v0 * sinθ))^2 - 4 * g * (-2 * h0))] / (2 * g)

Simplifying this further, we have:

t = [-(2 * (v0 * sinθ)) ± sqrt(4 * (v0 * sinθ)^2 + 8 * g * h0)] / (2 * g)

Factoring out a 4 from the square root, we get:

t = [-(2 * (v0 * sinθ)) ± 2 * sqrt((v0 * sinθ)^2 + 2 * g * h0)] / (2 * g)

Finally, simplifying the expression:

t = [-(v0 * sinθ) ± sqrt((v0 * sinθ)^2 + 2 * g * h0)] / g

This is the general equation for the time of flight (T) of the banana in terms of velocity (v0), distance (d), and height (h0). Please note that the equation includes a ± sign, indicating that there can be two possible solutions for the time of flight, one for the upward motion and one for the downward motion.