The elevation of an underwater cave is -120 feet relative to sea level. A submarine descends to the cave. The submarine’s rate of change in elevation is no greater than -12 feet per second. How long will it take to reach the cave?

120 / 12 <= _______ seconds

Thank you @Ms.Sue +Ms.Sue!

You are welcome.


120/12 >= ______ seconds

To determine how long it will take for the submarine to reach the underwater cave, we can use the equation:

Time = Change in Elevation / Rate of Change in Elevation

In this case, the change in elevation is given as -120 feet (since the cave is located -120 feet relative to sea level), and the rate of change in elevation is -12 feet per second (since the submarine descends at a maximum rate of -12 feet per second).

Plugging these values into the equation, we get:

Time = -120 feet / -12 feet per second

By dividing -120 feet by -12 feet per second, we can cancel out the units of "feet" and we are left with "seconds".

Time = 10 seconds

Therefore, it will take the submarine approximately 10 seconds to reach the underwater cave.