How was the Ohio River valley important to the start of the French and Indian War?

Its resources were needed to build the colonial navy up.

Britain and France disagreed over who owned the area.***

Native Americans considered this area their sacred hunting grounds.

Its boundaries were disputed among the Spanish and colonial governors

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Correct again!

its B


your welcome

The correct answer is: Britain and France disagreed over who owned the area.

To find the answer, we can break down the question and look for key information. In this case, we are asked about the importance of the Ohio River valley to the start of the French and Indian War.

The French and Indian War was a conflict between Great Britain and France that took place from 1754 to 1763. The war originated from the struggle for control over the Ohio River valley, which was a strategically important region due to its fertile land and waterways.

The resources and territory of the Ohio River valley were disputed between the British and the French. Both nations wanted to expand their colonial territories, and the Ohio River valley was a valuable area for fur trade and access to the West. As a result, tensions rose as both sides claimed ownership and sought control over the region.

In summary, the Ohio River valley was important to the start of the French and Indian War because Britain and France disagreed over who owned the area.