13. The picture is a model of a nitrogen atom. What is incorrect about the atomic orbital arrangement of electrons in this model?

First, PLEASE HELP is not your school subject. Second, no tutor here has ESP or mental telepathy to see the model.

idk how to put a pic on here

i have been

Sorry. Jiskha does not allow the posting of pictures or diagrams. It's the way the program is written.

I had this one - electrons can't stay in the same orbit

To assess what is incorrect about the atomic orbital arrangement of electrons in the model of a nitrogen atom, we need to understand the correct arrangement of electrons in nitrogen's atomic orbitals.

First, let's review the basic principles:

1. Nitrogen has an atomic number of 7, meaning it has 7 electrons.

2. The electronic configuration of nitrogen is 1s² 2s² 2p³. This means that the first energy level (n=1) has 2 electrons in the s orbital (1s²), and the second energy level (n=2) has 2 electrons in the s orbital (2s²) and 3 electrons in the p orbital (2p³).

Now, let's assess the model of the nitrogen atom:

1. Look at the number of electrons: Check if the model represents 7 electrons for nitrogen.

2. Consider the arrangement: The electrons in the model should be distributed correctly in the atomic orbitals, following the electronic configuration mentioned above.

3. Determine if any orbital is missing: Verify if all the necessary s and p orbitals are depicted in the model.

Based on these criteria, you can analyze the model of a nitrogen atom and identify what is incorrect about the atomic orbital arrangement of electrons.