Which of the following is not a process that forms metallic ore?

placer deposits ***
fossil compaction
hydrothermal solutions
igneous processes

5. Which of the following nonmetallic mineral resources is used both as a building material and as an industrial mineral?

graphite ***

6. What is one of the drawbacks to the extensive use of solar energy?

It is nonrenewable.
Necessary equipment and installation are expensive. ***
It is available only at night.
Its use produces pollution.

7. How does nuclear fission produce energy?
Moving water turns turbines to produce electricity.
A controlled nuclear chain reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy.
An uncontrolled nuclear reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy. ***
Carbon atoms are bombarded by neutrons.

8. Hydroelectric power is produced by ____.
falling water that turns a turbine ***
tides that pour through a dam barrier
hot water that comes from deep underground
electric current that flows across a dam

Please can someone check this I need help!

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To answer question 1, you need to understand the processes that form metallic ores. Placer deposits, hydrothermal solutions, and igneous processes are all processes that can form metallic ores. Therefore, the correct answer is fossil compaction.

To answer question 5, you need to identify which nonmetallic mineral resource is used both as a building material and as an industrial mineral. Sulfur, limestone, and corundum are not typically used as building materials. Graphite, on the other hand, is commonly used in construction and as an industrial mineral. Therefore, the correct answer is graphite.

To answer question 6, you need to consider the drawbacks of solar energy. Solar energy is a renewable energy source, so it is not nonrenewable. It is also available during the day, so it is not only available at night. However, solar energy does require expensive equipment and installation, which can be a drawback. Therefore, the correct answer is that necessary equipment and installation are expensive.

To answer question 7, you need to understand how nuclear fission produces energy. Moving water turning turbines and carbon atoms being bombarded by neutrons are not correct explanations for nuclear fission. Nuclear fission involves a controlled nuclear chain reaction that produces heat, which in turn drives steam turbines to produce energy. Therefore, the correct answer is that a controlled nuclear chain reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy.

To answer question 8, you need to know how hydroelectric power is produced. Hydroelectric power is generated by the flow of falling water that turns a turbine. The other options, such as tides pouring through a dam barrier or hot water from underground, are not accurate descriptions of hydroelectric power generation. Therefore, the correct answer is falling water that turns a turbine.