Why was Susan B. Anthony important in history?

A: Susan B. Anthony was important in history because she was one of the leaders of the National Woman Suffrage Association. She also helped form the International Concil of women in1888. This organization represented the rights of women in 48 counties.

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To understand why Susan B. Anthony was important in history, you can follow these steps:

1. Learn about the women's suffrage movement: Start by familiarizing yourself with the women's suffrage movement that aimed to secure voting rights for women. This movement played a crucial role in the fight for women's rights and equality.

2. Research the National Woman Suffrage Association: Next, explore the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA), which Susan B. Anthony co-founded in 1869. This organization was dedicated to achieving the right to vote for women in the United States.

3. Understand Anthony's leadership role: Learn about Susan B. Anthony's role as a leader within the NWSA. She was a driving force in organizing and strategizing the suffrage movement's efforts, advocating for women's rights through speeches, publications, and activism.

4. Explore her contributions to the International Council of Women: Look into Susan B. Anthony's involvement in the formation of the International Council of Women in 1888. This organization brought together women's rights activists from around the world to collaborate and advocate for gender equality.

5. Recognize her impact on suffrage achievements: Finally, understand the significance of Susan B. Anthony's contributions to the suffrage movement. Her relentless efforts, along with those of other suffragettes, eventually led to the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, granting women the right to vote.

By delving into these resources and understanding Susan B. Anthony's role in the women's suffrage movement, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of why she was important in history.

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