La maestra eres enferma.

Los estudiantes estás enfermos

Which one of these are grammatically correct?

Im having a hard time choosing one.

To determine which sentence is grammatically correct, we need to examine the subject and verb agreement. In Spanish, both the subject and the verb must agree in terms of number (singular or plural). Let's analyze each sentence:

1. "La maestra eres enferma." - This sentence is grammatically incorrect. The subject "la maestra" (the teacher) is singular, and the verb "eres" (you are) is plural. The correct verb form should be "es" (is) to match the singular subject. Therefore, the correct sentence would be "La maestra es enferma."

2. "Los estudiantes estás enfermos." - This sentence is also grammatically incorrect. The subject "los estudiantes" (the students) is plural, but the verb "estás" (you are) is singular. The correct verb form should be "están" (they are) to match the plural subject. Therefore, the correct sentence would be "Los estudiantes están enfermos."

Based on the analysis, the correct sentence is: "Los estudiantes están enfermos."