You begin traveling south from Madison,Wisconsin.Which of the following capital cities would you reach first.

Springfield, Illinois

What following?

To determine which capital city you would reach first when traveling south from Madison, Wisconsin, we need to examine the geographical location of the capital cities located in the south direction.

The following capital cities are located south of Madison, Wisconsin:

1. Springfield, Illinois - The capital city of Illinois.
2. Indianapolis, Indiana - The capital city of Indiana.
3. Columbus, Ohio - The capital city of Ohio.
4. Frankfort, Kentucky - The capital city of Kentucky.
5. Nashville, Tennessee - The capital city of Tennessee.

Out of these options, the capital city you would reach first when traveling south from Madison, Wisconsin is Springfield, Illinois.

To determine which capital city you would reach first when traveling south from Madison, Wisconsin, we need to examine the states and capital cities in the southern direction from Wisconsin. Here are the U.S. states and their capital cities that are south of Wisconsin:

1. Illinois - Springfield
2. Kentucky - Frankfort
3. Missouri - Jefferson City
4. Tennessee - Nashville
5. Arkansas - Little Rock
6. Mississippi - Jackson
7. Louisiana - Baton Rouge

By comparing the latitude of Madison, Wisconsin, with the latitude of each capital city mentioned above, we can determine the order of the cities you would reach first when traveling south.

The latitude of Madison, Wisconsin, is approximately 43.0731° N.

Comparing this latitude with the latitude of the above capital cities, the capital city you would reach first when traveling south from Madison, Wisconsin, is Springfield, Illinois.