In a situation like this, why might state employment levels go up, even when federal activity might be going down? Provide at least one (1) reason with support.

My ESP connection is down.

What situation?

You are in k12 program.

One reason why state employment levels might go up, even when federal activity might be going down, is due to increased state-level investments and economic policies. When federal activity decreases, state governments have the opportunity to take charge and implement their own policies to stimulate economic growth and employment within their jurisdiction.

One specific example of this is when states implement tax incentives and attract businesses, leading to job creation. Let's take the example of a state enacting policies that provide tax breaks and regulatory flexibility to encourage businesses to establish operations within their borders. This initiative can attract companies to set up new facilities or expand existing ones, resulting in job opportunities for the local workforce.

To find supporting evidence on this matter, you could start by researching specific states that have experienced an increase in employment levels despite a decrease in federal activity. Look for studies, reports, or economic analyses that analyze the impact of state-level policies on job growth and the economy in those states. Economic and business journals, government publications, and think tank reports are good sources to consult.

By examining real-world examples and expert opinions, you can gather evidence that showcases how state employment levels can be positively influenced even in the face of declining federal activity, providing a solid basis for your explanation.