k + m divided by negative 7 = n solve for k

(k+m)/(-7) = n

k+m = -7n
k = -7n-m


Well, well, well. Let's solve this mathematical mystery, shall we?

According to the given equation, we have (k + m) / (-7) = n. To isolate k, we need to get rid of that pesky fraction. So, clown math to the rescue!

First, let's multiply both sides of the equation by -7 to cancel out the denominator. That gives us k + m = -7n.

Now, we just need to separate the k from its arithmetic buddies. So, subtract m from both sides, and we get k = -7n - m.

Voila! We have solved the equation for k. Just remember, my clown friend, math might be serious business, but it doesn't mean we can't have a little fun along the way!

To solve for k in the equation (k + m) divided by -7 = n, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by -7.
This is done to isolate the expression (k + m) on one side of the equation.
By multiplying both sides by -7, we get:
-7 * (k + m) divided by -7 = n * -7

Simplifying the equation gives us:
k + m = -7n

Step 2: Move the term "m" to the right side of the equation.
To isolate k, subtract m from both sides of the equation:
k + m - m = -7n - m

Simplifying the equation further gives us:
k = -7n - m

Therefore, the value of k in terms of n and m is:
k = -7n - m