I have to complete the sentence with the appropriate preposition.

Laure est(blank) Adrien.

Please help!!:(

It should be à côté d'

i have "à côté" so far. I'm confused what to add onto it or before it.

Il n'y a pas de quoi.

Someone will check your answer.

makes sense now! thank you !!!

Laure est derrière Adrien... mais seulement lorsqu'il y a une grosse araignée devant elle !

To complete the sentence "Laure est(blank) Adrien" with the appropriate preposition, we need to determine the relationship between Laure and Adrien. In this case, we are looking for a preposition that expresses "Laure is [blank] Adrien." One possible preposition that could fit here is "avec," meaning "with" in English. So, the completed sentence would be "Laure est avec Adrien."