When viewing a presentation, words on slides may appear to fly in and out or dissolve. What makes text in a presentation do this?

A. The addition of text animations
B. The addition of slide transitions
C. The addition of Action buttons
D. The addition of clip art
I put B, Is it correct

When you have the program open (PowerPoint or Keynote or whatever you're learning), you should press the F1 key and search for these different things. The Help files will help you!

Yes, your answer is correct. The addition of slide transitions can cause text in a presentation to appear to fly in and out or dissolve. Slide transitions determine how slides enter and exit the screen, and some transition effects can be applied specifically to text elements, creating various animated effects.

Yes, your answer of B is correct. Slide transitions are what make the text in a presentation appear to fly in and out or dissolve. Slide transitions are applied to individual slides or the entire presentation to add visual effects when moving from one slide to the next. They can include effects like fade, dissolve, fly in, or random transitions. Text animations, on the other hand, refer to the way text appears or moves within a single slide, such as fly-in or fade-in effects. Action buttons are interactive elements that allow users to navigate through a presentation, and clip art refers to pre-made images that can be added to slides.