Where is the hundred thousandths place in 46.15398?

the decimal place right after the decimal is the tenths, the next is the hundredth, then thousandths, then ten thousandths, ect, in that pattern,

so what is the hundred thousandths place?


To determine the location of the hundred thousandths place in the number 46.15398, we need to understand the place value system.

In the place value system, each position to the right of the decimal point represents a fraction of 10. The first position to the right of the decimal point is the tenths place, followed by the hundredths place, thousandths place, ten thousandths place, and so on.

In the number 46.15398, the hundred thousandths place is two positions to the right of the decimal point. Let's break it down further:

- The tenths place is to the right of the decimal point, followed by the hundredths place (0.01).
- The thousandths place is to the right of the hundredths place, followed by the ten thousandths place (0.0001).
- Finally, the hundred thousandths place is two positions to the right of the decimal point (0.00001).

Therefore, in the number 46.15398, the hundred thousandths place is occupied by the digit 3.