A woman is 3 times as old as her daughter.six years ago,the sum of their age was 36.find the daughter's age.


(w-6)+(d-6) = 36
(3d-6)+(d-6) = 36

its good thanks


That was my answer since I am a mathematician
It was easy after all i solved for only 1minute 5seconds

To find the daughter's age, we must first set up equations based on the given information. Let's denote the daughter's current age as "x" and the woman's current age as "3x".

We are told that six years ago, the sum of their ages was 36. So, we can write the equation:

(x - 6) + (3x - 6) = 36

Now, we can simplify and solve for x:

4x - 12 = 36
4x = 48
x = 12

Therefore, the daughter's current age is 12.

let woman b w ~~ w = 3d (3d - 6) + (d - 6) = 36 collect like terms= 3d + d - 6 - 6 =36 4d - 12 = 36 =regroup like terms 4d = 36 + 12 4d = 48 = divide both side by 4 ~ d = 12