Idk what i have to do. Add or subtract. The question is Blake watch one sixth of a movie Friday three fifth on Saturday and the rest on Sunday. What fraction did he watch on Sunday

That is wrong

To find the fraction of the movie that Blake watched on Sunday, you first need to calculate the total fraction of the movie that he watched on Friday and Saturday.

Blake watched one-sixth of the movie on Friday and three-fifths on Saturday. To calculate the total fraction watched on Friday and Saturday, add these two fractions:

1/6 + 3/5

To add these fractions, you first need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 5 is 30.

Next, convert each fraction so that they have the same denominator of 30:

1/6 = 5/30 (multiply numerator and denominator by 5)
3/5 = 18/30 (multiply numerator and denominator by 6)

Now that the fractions have the same denominator, you can add them together:

5/30 + 18/30 = 23/30

Blake watched a total of 23/30 of the movie on Friday and Saturday.

To find the fraction Blake watched on Sunday, subtract the fraction already watched from the total of the whole movie:

1 - 23/30

To subtract the fractions, you need to find the common denominator which is 30:

1 = 30/30 (since any whole number can be written as itself over 1)

Now, subtract the fractions:

30/30 - 23/30 = 7/30

Therefore, Blake watched a fraction of 7/30 of the movie on Sunday.

This problem involves both adding and subtracting.

1/6 = 5/30
3/5 = 15/30

5/30 + 15/30 = 20/30 = 2/3

3/3 - 2/3 = 1/3 he watched on Sunday.