a crew of astronauts leaves earth on a Monday , lands on the moon on a Thursday. they and on the side of the moon facing away from the earth. on what day would the astronauts be able to see earth from the moon, explain

In order to determine which day the astronauts would be able to see the Earth from the Moon, let's break down the information provided:

1. The crew leaves Earth on a Monday.
2. They land on the Moon on a Thursday, specifically on the side facing away from the Earth.

To understand when the Earth would become visible from the Moon, we need to consider the Moon's rotation. The Moon rotates on its axis, taking approximately 27.3 days to complete one rotation, which is also the same time it takes to complete one orbit around the Earth.

Given that the crew landed on the side of the Moon facing away from the Earth, they would need to wait for the Moon to rotate enough for the Earth to come into view. Since the Moon takes roughly 27.3 days to complete one rotation, it would take a similar amount of time for the Earth to appear again.

To determine the day, we need to count the number of days from Thursday until the Earth becomes visible. Here's a breakdown:

Thursday - Day of landing
Friday - 1 day
Saturday - 2 days
Sunday - 3 days
Monday - 4 days
Tuesday - 5 days
Wednesday - 6 days
Thursday - 7 days
Friday - 8 days
Saturday - 9 days
Sunday - 10 days
Monday - 11 days
Tuesday - 12 days
Wednesday - 13 days
Thursday - 14 days

So on the 14th day after landing, which would be the next Thursday, the astronauts would be able to see the Earth from the Moon.