David runs 8 meters in 1 second,16 meters in 2seconds,24 meters in 3 seconds and 32 meters in 4 seconds.Determine whether David's distance is proportional to the number of seconds he runs by graphing on a coordinate grid.explain your reasoning

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Martin runs 100 meters in 15 seconds. What is the equation for d, the distance in meters that Martin covers per second?

15 + d = 100
100 + d = 15
d × 15 = 100
d × 100 = 15

The correct equation for d, the distance in meters that Martin covers per second is:

C. d × 15 = 100

To solve for d, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation by dividing both sides by 15:

d × 15 / 15 = 100 / 15

d = 6.67

Therefore, Martin covers 6.67 meters per second.

Select the correct answer.

An image of a rectangle with corners marked: A, G, H, and B. Two vertical lines joining lines A G and H B marked: E F and C D. Line E C named e, line C G is named h, line G H is named j, line H D is named i, line D F is named f, line F B is named c.

Which formula gives the area of rectangle EFHG?

area = d × j
area = (e + h) × (f + i)
area = (e + h) × j
area = (e + h) × (f + c)

The correct formula that gives the area of rectangle EFHG is:

C. area = (e + h) × j

We can calculate the area of the rectangle by multiplying the length and width. In this case, the length of the rectangle is j and the width is the sum of e and h. Therefore, the area can be expressed as:

area = (e + h) × j

Note that the other options are not valid because they either use incorrect dimensions or do not take into account that we are dealing with a rectangle.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

A diagram with two rectangles that measure 6 units by 4 units each. A triangle is formed on one side of the rectangle with a base of 6 units and a perpendicular line of 4 units.
The area of the triangular section is
square units. The area of the entire figure is
square units.

A diagram with two rectangles that measure 6 units by 4 units each. A triangle is formed on one side of the rectangle with a base of 6 units and a perpendicular line of 4 units.

The area of the triangular section is 12 square units.

The area of the entire figure is 48 square units.


The area of the triangle is calculated as follows:

area = 1/2 * base * height
= 1/2 * 6 units * 4 units
= 12 square units

The area of each rectangle is 6 units x 4 units = 24 square units. There are two rectangles, so their total area is:

2 rectangles x 24 square units/rectangle = 48 square units


Select the correct answer.
A triangle X Y Z. X Y is 5 inches. Y Z is 7 inches. It is extended to form a vertical line. The length is 4 inches.

What is the area of ∆

10 square inches
14 square inches
17.5 square inches
28 square inches

The correct answer is:

B. 14 square inches


We can start by drawing the triangle and extending it to form the vertical line as described in the problem:

| \
| \
| \ 4 in
| \
5 in 7 in

The vertical line cuts the triangle into two smaller triangles, which we can label as triangles ABC and ABD as follows:

| \
| \ 4 in
|\ |
| \ |
| \|
5 in 7 in

We know that the length from Y to the bottom of the triangle is 4 inches. This means that the height of triangle ABC is 4 inches.

To find the area of triangle ABC, we can use the formula:

area = 1/2 * base * height

The base of triangle ABC is XY, which is 5 inches. So we have:

area_ABC = 1/2 * 5 in * 4 in
= 10 square inches

To find the area of triangle ABD, we can use the same formula:

area_ABD = 1/2 * base * height

The base of triangle ABD is YZ, which is 7 inches. To find the height, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

h^2 + 5^2 = 7^2
h^2 = 7^2 - 5^2
h^2 = 24
h = sqrt(24) = 2sqrt(6) inches

So we have:

area_ABD = 1/2 * 7 in * 2sqrt(6) in
= 7sqrt(6) square inches

To find the area of the entire triangle XYZ, we can add the areas of the two smaller triangles:

area_XYZ = area_ABC + area_ABD
= 10 square inches + 7sqrt(6) square inches
≈ 14.61 square inches (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the closest answer choice is B. 14 square inches.

Type the correct answer in the box.

A diagram of a trapezoid whose base measure 21 units and distance between the parallel lines is 8 units. Two perpendiculars dashed lines are 3 units apart. A triangle is formed with base 3 units and height 8 units.
The area of the figure is
square units.