1. Point E (0,-2) is a vertex of square DEFG. After a 90° clockwise rotation of the square about the origin, which of the following is the location of E ?

A) (-2,0)
B) (2,0)
C) (2,2)
D) (0,2)

2. Point is a vertex of triangle D(-3,5). After a rotation of the triangle about the origin, is located at . Which of the following was the rotation of the triangle?
A) 90 degrees clockwise
B) 90 degrees counterclockwise
C) 180 degrees
D) 360 degrees


1 A C D

2 A
3 C
4 B
5 C
I got a 100%

#1. Well, you could actually try plotting the point and rotating the paper.

Clearly, (0,-2) -> (-2,0)

Being a vertex of a square is just noise -- makes no difference in the rotation.

#2 garbled

ohhk thank you!

what is garbled???

To answer both questions, you will need to understand the concept of rotation in the coordinate plane and apply it to the given points.

1. In question 1, the vertex E of the square DEFG is given as (0, -2), and a 90° clockwise rotation about the origin is performed. To determine the new location of point E after the rotation, follow these steps:

a. Swap the x and y coordinates of the point.
In this case, the original x-coordinate of E is 0, and the original y-coordinate is -2. After swapping, the new x-coordinate becomes -2, and the new y-coordinate becomes 0.

b. Negate the new x-coordinate.
In this case, since the new x-coordinate is -2, negating it gives us the value 2.

Therefore, the new location of E after the rotation is (2, 0).

The correct answer is B) (2, 0).

2. In question 2, the rotation of triangle D(-3, 5) about the origin results in a new location for the vertex. To identify the rotation, you need to analyze the relative positions of the original and new vertices.

In this case, it is mentioned that the point D' after the rotation is located at the origin (0, 0). This means that the entire triangle has been rotated such that point D maps to the origin of the coordinate plane.

To determine the rotation, consider where the other vertices of the triangle would map to after the rotation. If your options include D' as the new location of D, it means the rotation is 360 degrees, which implies no change in position. If D' is not among the given options, it means there is a rotation beyond 360 degrees.

Since D' is among the options, the correct answer is D) 360 degrees.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.