INSTRUCTIONS:Au marché aux puces (At the flea market). Imaginez que vous vous promenez au marché aux puces à Paris et que vous entendez différentes conversations quand vous passez près d'autres personnes. Complétez les phrases suivantes avec les formes convenables des verbes indiqués. (Attention! P = Présent; PC = Passé composé)

(perdre / PC) Hier, Odile a perdu ses livres.

1.(vendre / P)---Oh là là! On_____
toutes sortes de choses ici!

2.(vendre / PC)----Voici le vendeur qui____un tee-shirt à Marc.

3.(rendre / P)---Je____ce jean au vendeur: il est trop petit.

4.(ne... pas perdre / PC)---J'espère que tu______le reçu (receipt).

5.(vendre / P)----Nous____seulement de la bonne qualité, Madame.

I'll send this to our French expert. Please check back for her reply.

Please understand that we do not DO the homework for you. You must do it first and then we check your answers. That is how you learn.

I'll flag this and come back to see your answers.

Sra (aka Mme)

1. On a vendu toutes sortes de choses ici

2. Voici le vendeur qui vend un tee-shirt a Marc
3. Je rend ce jean au vendeur: il est trop petit
4. J’espère que tu ne vas pas perdre le reçu
5. Nous vendons seulement de la bonne qualité, Madame

All are fine except #4. PC = J'espère que tu n'as pas perdu le reçu. Have you studied the subjonctif? Because, in reality, because this begins with "J'espère..." it should use the subjonctiv = J'espère que tu n'aies pas perdu le reçu.

Since I don't know what level you are in, I'm not sure if you would know that.

Sra (aka Mme)

I'll come back again later to see if you have any response.

1. (vendre / P) - Oh là là! On vend toutes sortes de choses ici!

To form the present tense of the verb "vendre" (to sell), we use the appropriate subject pronoun followed by the corresponding conjugated form of the verb:

Je vends (I sell)
Tu vends (You sell)
Il/Elle vend (He/She sells)
Nous vendons (We sell)
Vous vendez (You sell)
Ils/Elles vendent (They sell)

In this sentence, the subject is not specified, so we can use the general pronoun "on" (one) which is conjugated the same way as "il/elle". Therefore, we can say "On vend" to mean "One sells" or "They sell" (when referring to multiple people).

2. (vendre / PC) - Voici le vendeur qui a vendu un tee-shirt à Marc.
To form the passé composé (past tense) of the verb "vendre," we use the appropriate auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have) or "être" (to be) followed by the past participle of the verb "vendre." Since "vendre" is conjugated with "avoir," we use the past participle "vendu."

When using the passé composé, we also need to include the auxiliary verb conjugated according to the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "le vendeur" (the seller). Therefore, we use "a" followed by the past participle "vendu" to form "a vendu" (he sold).

3. (rendre / P) - Je rends ce jean au vendeur: il est trop petit.
To form the present tense of the verb "rendre" (to return), we use the appropriate subject pronoun followed by the corresponding conjugated form of the verb:

Je rends (I return)
Tu rends (You return)
Il/Elle rend (He/She returns)
Nous rendons (We return)
Vous rendez (You return)
Ils/Elles rendent (They return)

In this sentence, the subject is "je" (I), so we conjugate "rendre" accordingly as "je rends."

4. (ne... pas perdre / PC) - J'espère que tu n'as pas perdu le reçu (receipt).
To form the negation of the passé composé, we place "ne" before the auxiliary verb and "pas" after the past participle. In this case, the auxiliary verb is "avoir," so we say "n'as pas perdu" (have not lost) to form the negative sentence.

5. (vendre / P) - Nous vendons seulement de la bonne qualité, Madame.
To form the present tense of the verb "vendre" (to sell), we use the appropriate subject pronoun followed by the corresponding conjugated form of the verb:

Je vends (I sell)
Tu vends (You sell)
Il/Elle vend (He/She sells)
Nous vendons (We sell)
Vous vendez (You sell)
Ils/Elles vendent (They sell)

In this sentence, the subject is "nous" (we), so we conjugate "vendre" accordingly as "nous vendons." This sentence means "We only sell good quality, madam."