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Choices: A. Barbed-wire fences, B. windwills, C. steel plows, D. McCormick Reaper, E. railroads

Question: Life on the prairie was difficult for everyone. But there were ways to succeed. Match the problems homesteaders faced with possible solutions.

little water available for crops and livestock
getting products to market
protecting crops and property from roaming cattle
harvesting large fields of crops
tough prairie sod was hard to cultivate

I agree with you.

Based on your answers, here is the correct matching:

little water available for crops and livestock: B. windmills (to pump water from underground sources)
getting products to market: E. railroads (to transport goods to distant markets)
protecting crops and property from roaming cattle: A. barbed-wire fences (to prevent cattle from entering and damaging the crops)
harvesting large fields of crops: D. McCormick Reaper (a mechanized machine used for harvesting crops)
tough prairie sod was hard to cultivate: C. steel plows (to break the tough soil and prepare it for planting)

It seems like you matched the problems and solutions correctly. Good job on your homework!