happiness, sadness,and fear examples_____________ of emotions


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The examples you provided, happiness, sadness, and fear, are examples of primary emotions.

Primary emotions are commonly referred to as basic emotions because they are believed to be universally experienced by humans across cultures and are considered to be innate and instinctual rather than learned.

To determine this, you can categorize emotions into primary and secondary emotions. Primary emotions are considered to be the core or foundational emotions that are immediately triggered by specific stimuli and are often easy to recognize. Examples of primary emotions include happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust.

On the other hand, secondary emotions are believed to be more complex and are thought to stem from the combination or transformation of primary emotions. Secondary emotions are also influenced by social and cultural factors, as they are learned and shaped through individual experiences. Examples of secondary emotions include guilt, shame, jealousy, and pride.

Therefore, based on the examples you provided, happiness, sadness, and fear are categorized as primary emotions.