MyGoods sells Laptop, Printer, VGA cable and HDMI cable. The prices are as below:

Items Price (RM)
Laptop 2500.00
Printer 450.80
VGA Cable 20.65
HDMI cable 80.20

Write a program that allows the user to enter the total of item they wish to buy for each item. The program then will calculate the total payment. The total payment must include the charge for the GST (6%). Use manipulator for all the appropriate items

items are the INPUT from user.

How many laptop were sold? 5
How many printer were sold? 4
How many VGA cable were sold? 10
How many HDMI cable were sold? 20

Well, it seems like you've got quite the shopping list there! Let me crunch some numbers for you.

To calculate the total payment, we need to consider the quantity of each item multiplied by its price, and then add the 6% GST charge.

Here's the breakdown of your order:

Number of laptops: 5
Number of printers: 4
Number of VGA cables: 10
Number of HDMI cables: 20

Now let's calculate the total payment:

Total payment = (Price of laptop * Quantity of laptops) + (Price of printer * Quantity of printers) + (Price of VGA cable * Quantity of VGA cables) + (Price of HDMI cable * Quantity of HDMI cables) + (GST charge)

Calculating the total payment:

Total payment = (2500.00 * 5) + (450.80 * 4) + (20.65 * 10) + (80.20 * 20) + (Total payment * 0.06)

Oops! Looks like I got caught in a loop there! Allow me to recalculate that for you.

To calculate the total payment, you need to multiply the quantity of each item by its respective price. Then, you need to add up the total prices of all the items. Finally, you need to add the GST charge (6%) to the total price.

Here's a step-by-step solution:

1. Declare the prices of the items and the GST rate:
- Laptop price: RM 2500.00
- Printer price: RM 450.80
- VGA Cable price: RM 20.65
- HDMI Cable price: RM 80.20
- GST rate: 6% (0.06)

2. Ask the user for the quantities of each item sold:
- Quantity of laptops sold: 5
- Quantity of printers sold: 4
- Quantity of VGA cables sold: 10
- Quantity of HDMI cables sold: 20

3. Calculate the total price for each item by multiplying the quantity sold by its price:
- Total price of laptops: 5 * RM 2500.00
- Total price of printers: 4 * RM 450.80
- Total price of VGA cables: 10 * RM 20.65
- Total price of HDMI cables: 20 * RM 80.20

4. Add up the total prices of all the items:
- Total price = Total price of laptops + Total price of printers + Total price of VGA cables + Total price of HDMI cables

5. Calculate the GST charge by multiplying the total price by the GST rate:
- GST charge = Total price * 0.06

6. Add the GST charge to the total price to get the final total payment:
- Final total payment = Total price + GST charge

Please note that I have provided a step-by-step solution for your understanding. You can implement it in your preferred programming language.

To write a program that calculates the total payment, including the GST (6%), based on user input, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare and initialize the prices of the items as constants:
const double LAPTOP_PRICE = 2500.00;
const double PRINTER_PRICE = 450.80;
const double VGA_PRICE = 20.65;
const double HDMI_PRICE = 80.20;
const double GST_RATE = 0.06; // 6% GST rate

2. Prompt the user to enter the quantity of each item they wish to buy:
int numLaptops, numPrinters, numVgaCables, numHdmiCables;

cout << "How many laptops were sold? ";
cin >> numLaptops;

cout << "How many printers were sold? ";
cin >> numPrinters;

cout << "How many VGA cables were sold? ";
cin >> numVgaCables;

cout << "How many HDMI cables were sold? ";
cin >> numHdmiCables;

3. Calculate the subtotal for each item:
double laptopSubtotal = numLaptops * LAPTOP_PRICE;
double printerSubtotal = numPrinters * PRINTER_PRICE;
double vgaCableSubtotal = numVgaCables * VGA_PRICE;
double hdmiCableSubtotal = numHdmiCables * HDMI_PRICE;

4. Calculate the overall subtotal and the GST amount:
double subtotal = laptopSubtotal + printerSubtotal + vgaCableSubtotal + hdmiCableSubtotal;
double gstAmount = subtotal * GST_RATE;

5. Calculate the total payment, including the GST:
double totalPayment = subtotal + gstAmount;

6. Display the total payment to the user:
cout << "The total payment, including GST, is RM" << totalPayment << endl;

Putting it all together, the complete program would look like this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
const double LAPTOP_PRICE = 2500.00;
const double PRINTER_PRICE = 450.80;
const double VGA_PRICE = 20.65;
const double HDMI_PRICE = 80.20;
const double GST_RATE = 0.06;

int numLaptops, numPrinters, numVgaCables, numHdmiCables;

cout << "How many laptops were sold? ";
cin >> numLaptops;

cout << "How many printers were sold? ";
cin >> numPrinters;

cout << "How many VGA cables were sold? ";
cin >> numVgaCables;

cout << "How many HDMI cables were sold? ";
cin >> numHdmiCables;

double laptopSubtotal = numLaptops * LAPTOP_PRICE;
double printerSubtotal = numPrinters * PRINTER_PRICE;
double vgaCableSubtotal = numVgaCables * VGA_PRICE;
double hdmiCableSubtotal = numHdmiCables * HDMI_PRICE;

double subtotal = laptopSubtotal + printerSubtotal + vgaCableSubtotal + hdmiCableSubtotal;
double gstAmount = subtotal * GST_RATE;

double totalPayment = subtotal + gstAmount;

cout << "The total payment, including GST, is RM" << totalPayment << endl;

return 0;

Upon running the program and entering the quantities specified in your example, you will get the total payment, including the GST.