Help please, don't understand:

What percent of 250 is 2 1/2 % of 1

0.025 * 250 = 6.25

Ms. Sue, I still don't understand how you go 6.25, please explain,, thanks.

I multiplied.

To find out what percent of 250 is 2 1/2% of 1, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 2 1/2% to decimal form.
To convert a percentage to decimal form, divide it by 100.
2 1/2% is equal to 2.5/100, which simplifies to 0.025 as a decimal.

Step 2: Find the value of 2 1/2% of 1.
To find out what 2 1/2% of 1 is, multiply 1 by 0.025.
1 * 0.025 = 0.025.

Step 3: Find the percent.
To find out what percent 0.025 is of 250, divide 0.025 by 250, and then multiply by 100.
(0.025 ÷ 250) * 100 = 0.01 * 100 = 1%.

So, 2 1/2% of 1 is 1% of 250.