Sal's Sandwich Shop sells wraps and sandwiches as part of its lunch specials. The profit on every sandwich is $2 and the profit on every wrap is $3. Sal made a profit of $1,470 from lunch specials last month. The equation 2x + 3y = 1,470 represents Sal's profits last month, where x is the number of sandwich lunch specials sold and y is the number of wrap lunch specials sold.

Change the equation to slope-intercept form. Identify the slope and y-intercept of the equation. Be sure to show all your work.
Describe how you would graph this line using the slope-intercept method. Be sure to write using complete sentences.
Write the equation in function notation. Explain what the graph of the function represents. Be sure to use complete sentences.
Graph the function. On the graph, make sure to label the intercepts. You may graph your equation by hand on a piece of paper and scan your work or you may use graphing technology.
Suppose Sal's total profit on lunch specials for the next month is $1,593. The profit amounts are the same: $2 for each sandwich and $3 for each wrap. In a paragraph of at least three complete sentences, explain how the graphs of the functions for the two months are similar and how they are different.
Below is a graph that represents the total profits for a third month. Write the equation of the line that represents this graph. Show your work or explain how you determined the equations.


1. 2x + 3y = 1470.

3y = -2x + 1470.
Y = (-2/3)x + 490. m = -2/3, b = 490 =

Can someone do #6

To change the equation to slope-intercept form, we need to solve for y. The given equation is 2x + 3y = 1,470.

Step 1: Subtract 2x from both sides to isolate the y term:
3y = -2x + 1,470

Step 2: Divide both sides by 3 to solve for y:
y = (-2/3)x + 490

The equation in slope-intercept form is y = (-2/3)x + 490. The slope of this equation is -2/3, and the y-intercept is 490.

To graph this line using the slope-intercept method, we start at the y-intercept of 490 and then use the slope of -2/3. Since the slope is negative, we move down 2 units and to the right 3 units, and repeat this process to plot additional points. We can also use the y-intercept and slope to find another point on the line. For example, when x = 0, y = 490. We can plot these points and then connect them to form the line.

The equation in function notation is f(x) = (-2/3)x + 490. The graph of the function represents the relationship between the number of sandwich lunch specials sold (x) and the profit made by Sal's Sandwich Shop (f(x)). It shows how the profit changes based on the number of sandwich lunch specials sold.

For the second part of the question, if Sal's total profit on lunch specials for the next month is $1,593, the equation would be 2x + 3y = 1,593, where x is the number of sandwich lunch specials sold and y is the number of wrap lunch specials sold. The slope-intercept form of this equation would be y = (-2/3)x + 531. Comparing the graphs of the two functions, they are similar in shape and have the same slope of -2/3. However, they have different y-intercepts, indicating different starting profits.

Since the graph for the third month is not provided, we are unable to write the exact equation for that graph. We would need the y-intercept and the slope to determine the equation of the line representing the total profits for the third month.