Modern fishing practices threaten biodiversity primarily through the?

A)accidental capture of unwanted species
B)physical destruction of marine habitats.
C)removal of community food supplies
D)chemical poisoning of the water

I think the answer is c but not sure

2. Which of the following examples of an ecological study involves the ecosystem level of organization?
A. The effects of a disease on population size
B. The effects of competition on survival
C. The effects of an invasive plant species on bird nesting sites
D. The effects of human activities on biogeochemical cycling

I think its d.

If I remember this correctly from 9th grade, I'd say that the answer to question number 1 is B and the answer to question number 2 is C.

1. You're on the right track. Modern fishing practices do threaten biodiversity, but the primary way they do so is through option B) physical destruction of marine habitats. To understand why this is the case, let's break it down:

Modern fishing practices often involve using large-scale nets, trawlers, or fishing gear that can cause significant damage to marine habitats. These habitats, such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, or kelp forests, provide shelter, breeding grounds, and food sources for a wide variety of species. When these habitats are physically destroyed or disrupted, it can lead to a decrease in biodiversity.

Option A) accidental capture of unwanted species, also known as bycatch, is indeed another issue caused by modern fishing practices. However, while bycatch does contribute to biodiversity loss, it is not the primary threat in this case.

Option C) removal of community food supplies is another consequence of overfishing, as it depletes fish populations and disrupts the balance of food webs. While it is a significant issue, it is not the primary threat to biodiversity in this context.

Option D) chemical poisoning of the water is not directly related to modern fishing practices, but rather pollution from other human activities like industrial waste or agricultural runoff.

Therefore, the correct answer to the first question is B) physical destruction of marine habitats.

2. Your intuition is correct. The correct answer to this question is D) the effects of human activities on biogeochemical cycling. Here's why:

Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment. Ecological studies can be conducted at different levels of organization, including the individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere levels.

Option A) the effects of a disease on population size and Option B) the effects of competition on survival both describe ecological studies focused on the population level, where individuals of the same species interact with each other.

Option C) the effects of an invasive plant species on bird nesting sites is an example of an ecological study involving the community level of organization, where different species interact with each other in a given area.

Option D) the effects of human activities on biogeochemical cycling refers to the study of how human actions, such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation, impact the cycling of essential elements (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) in an ecosystem. This involves studying interactions between living organisms, their physical environment, and the chemical processes that drive nutrient cycles.

Therefore, the correct answer to the second question is D) the effects of human activities on biogeochemical cycling.