What is the solution to (4 x 10^3) x (6 x 10^6), written in scientific notation?

24 x 10^9
2.4 x 10^9
24 x 10^18
2.4 x 10^10

Ted Andrews bought 15 shares of Clark Company stock at $14.875. He sold them a month later $20.375. What was his profit?


Theses are the two questions on my test that I have no clue what the answer is. Can someone help/"explain" it to me?! thanks :)

2.4 x 10^10

Does anyone know all the answers?


= (4x6)x(10^3 x 10^6)
= 24x10^9
but that is not SN. You need

profit is income less cost. In this case, since the same number of shares were bought and sold, just multiply 15 by the difference in prices:

15(20.375-14.875) = 15(5.50) = 82.50

because he made $5.50 on each share.

I was stuck on it too at first but now I got it. The answer for #7 is D 2.4×10^10

I still kind of don't get it... sorry! :,(

Ok no wait I get it... I had to read it a few times but I got it! thanks So what about the first one?!

I got it thanks so much but yah what about the first one?!