Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose in “Harriet Tubman”?

A. to explain how Tubman taught others to become Underground Railroad conductors
B. to explain the path Tubman would take if she conducted the Underground Railroad today
C. to describe how Tubman approached her role conducting on the Underground Railroad
D. to describe how a typical Underground Railroad conductor operated during Tubman’s time


I just guessed all of my answers got got a 9/11 O_O


If anyone sees this and doesn't know the answer/wants to review their own, the answers are


Percival Graves is right!! 100% on the Lesson 18, Unit Review, Unit 3!

Percival Graves Thanks so much go 100% right


Im gonna go with C thank you

You're welcome. Good luck. I hope it's right.

To determine the author's purpose in "Harriet Tubman," you can start by looking for clues within the text. Pay attention to the main ideas presented and the overall tone or message conveyed. Additionally, consider the specific details and examples provided that support the main ideas.

In this case, you can eliminate options B and D as they suggest providing information on either Tubman's current approach or the general operation of Underground Railroad conductors during her time, which might not align with the purpose of the author.

Option A suggests that the author's purpose is to explain how Tubman taught others to become Underground Railroad conductors. To confirm if this is the correct answer, you can go back to the text and look for evidence that supports this idea. Look for information about Tubman's role in training others or any examples provided of her teaching methods. If you find clear evidence that supports this idea, then option A is likely the correct answer.

Option C suggests that the author's purpose is to describe how Tubman approached her role conducting on the Underground Railroad. To determine if this is the correct answer, you can again revisit the text and look for details about Tubman's approach. Look for information about her strategies, mindset, or personal experiences related to her role as a conductor. If you find evidence that aligns with this idea, then option C is likely the correct answer.

By carefully examining the text and looking for evidence that supports one of the options, you will be able to determine the best answer and identify the author's purpose in "Harriet Tubman."

Who was the author?

I have only skimmed this lengthy summary, but it seems to me that the best answer is C.


What do you think?