Evaluate the expression 8–^2 x 40

d.1/64 ****

I am guessing you have a typo and you meant:

= (1/64)(40)
= 40/64
= 5/8 , Collins had that also

so I guess that is not what you meant after all.

retype the problem using correct notation.

I don,t tink any option there has the anser

5/8........or u can jus inverse it and take to the lowest term

To evaluate the expression 8 - ^2 x 40, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):

1. Exponents: Solve any exponent expressions first.
There is a missing number or variable that should be raised to the power of 2. Without it, we cannot complete the exponent operation. So, we move on to the next step.

2. Multiplication and Division: Perform any multiplication or division operations from left to right.
In this case, we have the multiplication operation between -^2 and 40. However, there is no clear definition of -^2. It seems to be a missing number or variable with an undefined meaning.

Without more information or a clear explanation of -^2, we cannot proceed with the multiplication operation.

Therefore, it is not possible to evaluate the expression and select an answer from the provided options.

To evaluate the given expression 8 – ^2 x 40, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS.

1. Parentheses: If there are any parentheses in the expression, simplify the expression within them. However, in this case, there are no parentheses, so we move to the next step.

2. Exponents: Evaluate any exponents in the expression. In this case, we have "^2". When we have a number raised to an exponent, it means we multiply the number by itself. So, 8^2 is 8 multiplied by 8, which equals 64. We substitute this value back into the expression.

Now the expression becomes 8 - 64 x 40.

3. Multiplication and Division: Perform any multiplication or division operations in the expression from left to right. In this case, we have 64 multiplied by 40. Multiplying these two numbers gives us 2,560. We substitute this value back into the expression.

Now the expression becomes 8 - 2,560.

4. Addition and Subtraction: Perform any addition or subtraction operations in the expression from left to right. In this case, we have 8 minus 2,560. Subtracting these two numbers gives us -2,552.

So, the final evaluation of the expression 8 – ^2 x 40 is -2,552.

None of the given options a, b, c, or d match the correct value.