What landforms are highest on the continents?




A plateau is high land on a flat terrain. High but no the highest.

Is there anything bigger than mountains?

I can't think of any

Then that's your answer :-D

To determine which landforms are highest on the continents, you can use topographic maps or digital elevation models (DEMs) to analyze the elevation data. Here's how you can find the highest landforms, specifically plateaus, on the continents:

1. Start by obtaining a topographic map or a DEM dataset. These can be obtained from various sources such as the US Geological Survey (USGS) or through online mapping platforms like Google Earth.

2. Once you have the data, locate the continents you want to study and zoom in to the desired region.

3. Look for areas that show relatively flat or gently sloping terrain. These regions might represent plateaus, which are elevated areas with flat or undulating surfaces.

4. Identify the contours or elevation lines on the map or DEM. Contour lines connect points of equal elevation. The closer together the contours, the steeper the slope, while wider-spaced contours indicate flatter terrain.

5. Scan the area for the highest contours, which represent elevated landforms. Plateaus generally exhibit contour lines that are relatively close together and run parallel to each other.

6. Follow these contour lines to identify the highest points within the plateau. These points will correspond to the highest landforms on the continents.

Keep in mind that plateaus can vary in size and height, and different continents have different topography. Therefore, the highest plateaus may differ from one continent to another. It is important to specify which continents you are interested in to obtain more accurate information.