find the largest number that divides 615 and 963 leaving remainder 6 in each case.

Dear Anamika

To get the largest number (HCF) 1st subtract 6 from 615 and 963
615 - 6 = 609
963 - 6 = 957
Using fundamental theorem
Therefore, the largest number that divides 615 and 963 leaving remainder 6 in each case is 87.

Hope it is helpful... :-)

Find the greatest number 6 digit exactly divisible by 24, 15, and 36

Very very helpful😘😘

Express the HCF of 468 and 222 as 468x+222y where x,y are integers in two different ways.

Lagest number that divides 1206 and 321 leaving remainder 6.

To find the largest number that divides both 615 and 963, leaving a remainder of 6 in each case, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers.

One way to find the GCD is by using the Euclidean algorithm. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by dividing the larger number (963) by the smaller number (615) and finding the remainder:
963 ÷ 615 = 1 remainder 348

2. Then, divide the smaller number (615) by the remainder (348) to get a new remainder:
615 ÷ 348 = 1 remainder 267

3. Next, divide the remainder (348) by the new remainder (267) to get another remainder:
348 ÷ 267 = 1 remainder 81

4. Repeat the above step until the remainder becomes 0:
267 ÷ 81 = 3 remainder 24
81 ÷ 24 = 3 remainder 9
24 ÷ 9 = 2 remainder 6
9 ÷ 6 = 1 remainder 3
6 ÷ 3 = 2 remainder 0

Once the remainder becomes 0, the previous remainder (3 in this case) is the GCD of 615 and 963.

Therefore, the largest number that divides both 615 and 963, leaving a remainder of 6 in each case, is 3.