I cannot understand how the mass of the system has changed. There's no need for you to do my work please just explain it to me! :) thanks so much

A scientist placed copper powder into a crucible and heated it until all of the copper reacted. The resulting product was cooled and its mass was measured. The data collected during the experiment are shown in the table below.

Mass of Crucible (g)
Mass of Copper + Crucible (g)
Mass of Copper (g)
Mass of Copper(II) Oxide + Crucible (g)

mass CuO + crucible = 54.0

mass Cu + crucible = 50.2
mass oxygen added = 54.0-50.2 = ?
(NOTE:) As I recall the product is Cu2O and not CuO)

Sure, I'd be happy to explain it to you!

To calculate the change in mass, you need to find the difference between the initial mass and the final mass of the system. In this case, the system includes the copper powder, the crucible, and any products formed during the reaction.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. The initial mass of the system is given by the sum of the mass of the crucible and the mass of the copper powder. According to the data, the mass of the crucible is 35.0 g and the mass of the copper + crucible is 50.2 g. So, the initial mass of the system is 35.0 g + 50.2 g = 85.2 g.

2. The final mass of the system is given by the sum of the mass of the copper(II) oxide and the mass of the crucible. According to the data, the mass of the copper(II) oxide + crucible is 54.0 g. So, the final mass of the system is 54.0 g.

3. To calculate the change in mass, subtract the initial mass from the final mass: 54.0 g - 85.2 g = -31.2 g.

The negative sign indicates a decrease in mass. In this experiment, the mass of the system decreased by 31.2 g. This decrease in mass can be attributed to the loss of mass during the reaction between the copper powder and other substances, leading to the formation of copper(II) oxide.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.