At a halftime show a marching band marched in formation. The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (-2,-5) and moved three steps up and 1 step right.

Write a rule to describe the translation.
What were the coordinates of the drummers final position?
Please help

(x, y) = ( (-2+1), (-5+3) )

= (-1 , -2 )

To describe the translation rule, we need to understand how the lead drummer moved based on the given information.

First, we start with the initial position coordinates (-2, -5). The drummer moved three steps up, which means the y-coordinate increased by 3, giving us (-2, -5 + 3).

Next, the drummer moved one step right, which means the x-coordinate increased by 1, resulting in (-2 + 1, -5 + 3).

Simplifying further, we get (-1, -2) as the final coordinates of the drummer's position.

So, the translation rule for the lead drummer can be written as: "Start from the point (-2, -5), then move 3 steps up and 1 step right."
The final position coordinates are (-1, -2).


Yo I need help please

what’s the answer


some ppl cant use discord KJ&RBU...

oop- put the name in wrong ;----;