The Parasol Insurance Group sells a variety of insurance policy types. Design a flowchart for a program that accepts a client’s name and “Y’ or “N’ string answers to questions about whether the client wants each of the following policy types: homeowners ($800 annually), renters ($300 annually), and automobile ($1000 annually per car). If the client wants automobile insurance, add a question to determine the number of vehicles covered. Display all the details, as well as the client’s annual bill. a. Modify the insurance program to display a client’s data only if the client selects automobile insurance. b. Modify the Insurance program to display a clients data only if the client will pay more than $1200 annually

Someone help me out and give me a start please?? Kinda confused on a also.

To design a flowchart for the given program, we first need to understand the requirements and break them down into smaller steps. Here's a step-by-step approach to creating the flowchart:

1. Start: This is the starting point of the flowchart.

2. Input: Display a prompt asking for the client's name. Store the client's name in a variable.

3. Input: Display a prompt asking if the client wants homeowners insurance ('Y' for yes, 'N' for no). Store the client's response in a variable.

4. Input: Display a prompt asking if the client wants renters insurance ('Y' for yes, 'N' for no). Store the client's response in a variable.

5. Input: Display a prompt asking if the client wants automobile insurance ('Y' for yes, 'N' for no). Store the client's response in a variable.

6. Condition: Check if the client wants automobile insurance. If the response is 'Y', proceed to the next step; otherwise, end the program.

7. Input: Display a prompt asking for the number of vehicles covered under the automobile insurance. Store the client's response in a variable.

8. Calculate: Calculate the annual bill based on the client's selections. The annual bill for homeowners insurance is $800, renters insurance is $300, and automobile insurance is $1000 per car. Multiply the number of cars by $1000 and add it to the total bill.

9. Output: Display the client's details and the annual bill.

10. Condition: Check if the annual bill is greater than $1200. If the bill is greater, proceed to the next step; otherwise, end the program.

11. Output: Display the client's details and the annual bill.

12. End: This is the endpoint of the flowchart.

It is important to note that the flowchart is a visual representation of the program's logic and does not include the actual programming code. The flowchart can be created using flowcharting software or by drawing the steps using appropriate symbols and arrows.