based on the mass of lactose that you isolate from 1 mL of skim milk, calculate the percent composition of lactose in skim milk.

mass of lactose= 0.28 grams

Do you want mass percent or mass/volume percent? I will assume you want mass/volume percent.

% w/v = [(mass lactose)/mL]*100 = ?

0.28/1*100= idek how to do it

(0.28/1)*100 = 28/1 = ?

To calculate the percent composition of lactose in skim milk, we need to determine the mass of skim milk and the mass of lactose in the skim milk.

Given that the mass of lactose is 0.28 grams, we also need to know the volume of skim milk from which the lactose was isolated. The question states that it is 1 mL, so we have that information.

Now, we need to find the mass of skim milk. Unfortunately, we do not have the mass directly, but we have the volume. To find the mass, we need to use the density of skim milk. The density of skim milk is approximately 1.03 grams per milliliter.

Using the formula:

Mass = Density x Volume,

we can calculate the mass of skim milk:

Mass of skim milk = 1.03 grams/mL x 1 mL = 1.03 grams.

Now that we have the mass of lactose (0.28 grams) and the mass of skim milk (1.03 grams), we can calculate the percentage composition of lactose in skim milk using the following formula:

Percentage composition = (Mass of lactose / Mass of skim milk) x 100.

Plugging in the values we have:

Percentage composition = (0.28 grams / 1.03 grams) x 100 ≈ 27.18%.

Therefore, the percent composition of lactose in skim milk is approximately 27.18%.