which of the following actions does not describe land ownership in royal georgia?

A: Women were allowed to own property.******
B: The largest land grants were limited to 500 acres.
C: The headright system was used to determine the size of the grant.
D: Land could be inherited
{is this correct?}

Yes. A is right.

Thank you Ms.Sue :)

You're welcome, Sara.

It was actually B but thank you anyway :)

its B

A was wrong it must be B

For the Economic Development In Royal Georgia Quiz

3.D/All of the above
4.B/The Largest land grants were limited to 500 Acres

1. B

2. B
3. D
4. B
I used these answers and got an 100% 4/4

Yes, you are correct. Option A: "Women were allowed to own property" is the action that does not describe land ownership in Royal Georgia.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A: Women were allowed to own property - This action does describe land ownership in Royal Georgia because women were indeed allowed to own property.

B: The largest land grants were limited to 500 acres - This action does describe land ownership in Royal Georgia because the largest land grants were indeed limited to 500 acres.

C: The headright system was used to determine the size of the grant - This action does describe land ownership in Royal Georgia because the headright system was indeed used to determine the size of the land grant.

D: Land could be inherited - This action does describe land ownership in Royal Georgia because land could indeed be inherited.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A: Women were allowed to own property.